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Growth Marketing explained in less than 1000 words

Written by Martha Rosa Soqui | Aug 9, 2023 5:56:18 PM

In a rapidly evolving world, traditional marketing is no longer sufficient to stand out and achieve success. This is where "Growth Marketing" comes into play, a discipline that focuses on growth and customer acquisition through innovative and customer-centric strategies. 


In this article, we will explain what Growth Marketing is, how it differs from traditional marketing, and how it can effectively drive the growth of your business.


What is Growth Marketing?

Growth Marketing represents a revolutionary strategy in the world of business marketing. Unlike the traditional approach that focuses on short-term tactics and immediate results, Growth Marketing adopts a broader and more holistic vision, directed towards the long-term growth and development of the company.

Its main objective lies in acquiring new customers and maximizing the value of existing customers, generating a virtuous cycle of growth that propels the organization to new heights of success.

Instead of focusing solely on temporary strategies and one-off campaigns, Growth Marketing is based on a thorough analysis of the market and customer needs, to design effective and enduring actions over time.

For more information➡️Growth marketing service


Traditional Marketing vs. Growth Marketing

Both traditional marketing and growth marketing offer distinct advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the most suitable one for your company can make a difference in growth and success. In this comparative table, we will compare the pros and cons of each strategy to help you make informed and effective decisions in your marketing strategy.


Traditional Marketing
  • Quick and visible results.
  • Proven and traditional strategies.
  • Suitable for short-term campaigns.
  • Broad audience coverage.
  • Suitable for product launches.
  • Customer-centric approach.
  • Building lasting customer relationships.
  • Maximizing the value of each customer.
  • Using data analysis for decision-making.
  • Focus on experimentation and innovation.
Growth Marketing
  • Less customer-oriented.
  • Less focus on customer retention.
  • May lead to customer saturation.
  • Difficulties in measuring campaign ROI.
  • Less adaptable to market changes.
  • Long-term results may take time.
  • Requires a holistic and more complex approach.
  • Less suitable for short-term campaigns.
  • Requires continuous analysis and adjustments.
  • May require more resources and personalization.

Table 1. Comparison between traditional marketing and growth marketing.


Growth Marketing Focus

The main objective of Growth Marketing is scalable and sustainable business growth. To achieve this, it focuses on the following key areas:

1. Customer Acquisition

Growth Marketing aims to attract new customers and expand the user base. It employs various acquisition strategies such as content marketing, SEO, digital advertising, and viral marketing.

2. Customer Retention

Maintaining existing customers is crucial for business growth. Growth Marketing uses retention techniques like personalized customer experiences, loyalty programs, and referral marketing to foster loyalty and reduce churn rate.

3. Monetization

Growth is not just about acquiring customers but also about increasing the value of each customer. Growth Marketing seeks to optimize revenue generated from each customer through upselling, cross-selling, and pricing strategies.

4. Viral Growth

Growth Marketing aims to foster exponential growth through viral strategies and referral marketing, where current customers become brand ambassadors and attract new customers.


Tasks in Growth Marketing

Tasks in Growth Marketing are diverse and depend on the type of business and specific objectives. Some common actions include:


A. Market Research and Analysis

Understanding customer needs and desires is fundamental for designing effective strategies. Growth Marketing relies on market research and data analysis to identify opportunities and segment audiences.

B. Sales Funnel Optimization

The sales funnel is a central part of Growth Marketing. Thorough analysis is performed to identify potential bottlenecks, and processes are optimized to increase conversions.

C. Content Marketing

Relevant and valuable content is key to attracting and engaging the audience. Growth Marketing relies on a solid content strategy to establish authority in the market and generate qualified leads.

D. Marketing Automation

Automation enables more efficient and personalized marketing campaigns. Growth Marketing utilizes automation tools to nurture leads and deliver timely and relevant messages.



Growth Marketing has proven to be an effective strategy for driving business growth in the digital era. By focusing on customer acquisition, retention, monetization, and viral growth, this discipline offers a comprehensive and sustainable approach to business growth.

At TIS Consulting Group, we understand the power of Growth Marketing and offer specialized services to help you achieve your growth objectives. If you are looking to boost your business and adopt Growth Marketing strategies, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be delighted to collaborate with you and take your company to the next level of success.



Photo by Tranmautritam: